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Piston Vs. Turboprop

Aircraft piston engines and turboprop engines are two of the most popular aircraft engines. Here, we will compare and contrast these two engine types so that you can understand the benefits and drawbacks of each.

By understanding the differences between piston and turboprop engines, you can decide which type of engine is best for your needs. Keep reading!

How Do These Engines Work?

Piston Engines

Piston engines typically use fixed cylinders and reciprocating pistons linked to a joint driveshaft. Each of the engine’s cycles happens on a separate engine rotation. A camshaft mechanically controls this sequence; it activates some valves on top of each cylinder, allowing the fuel/air mix to enter them to be subsequently exhausted. 

Turboprop Engine 

Turboprops are jet engines that drive a propeller via exhaust gases. While piston engines have clear distinctions between the four-engine cycles, turboprops appear to merge the lines between them.

Then, the air is drawn into the engine, and the compressor section increases pressure and temperature significantly. The air is mixed with fuel, igniting simultaneously in the combustion section. Meanwhile, the turbine section manages the exhaust expansion and drives the propeller via a gearbox. 


Piston Vs. Turboprop: Which One Should You Choose?


Turboprop engines have many more moving parts than piston engines. However, these parts rotate in a single direction and at relatively constant speeds. Additionally, the mass is well-balanced, so there is no physical contact between components.

These factors lead to amazing reliability and safety records. On the other hand, pistons are at risk of:

  • Detonation
  • Cylinder overheating
  • Overspeeding
  • Over boosted turbocharging systems and improper mixture control.


There are two types of engines: piston engines and turboprops. Both types use compressed air and are then burned with fuel, and the exhaust gas is expelled from the engine. The thermodynamic properties in these engines result in different compromises between the two systems.

In general, turbine engines become less efficient as they become smaller. In contrast, piston engines become less efficient as they grow larger.


Get Aircraft Finance Solutions At AirFleet Capital Today

Are you interested in getting aircraft loans? You can do so with AirFleet Capital’s aviation finance programs. We’re a trusted and well-known aviation company in the United States. We’ve been around in the industry for more than 20 years, so we understand our clients’ needs.

We have a wide range of aircraft financing solutions designed to meet our clients’ specific needs and requirements. We also offer competitive rates and terms. So, if you’re looking for an aviation finance company that can provide you with the best possible solution, contact AirFleet Capital today!


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