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About Private Jet Maintenance

Are you planning on getting an aircraft soon? Looking for the best aircraft loans already? Before making a decision, learn about the responsibilities of Aircraft Maintenance. In this article, we will go through the basics regarding private jet maintenance. And yes, maintenance is something you must do at some point, regardless of its usage. 

The Importance Of Getting Maintenance For Your Aircraft

An aircraft is a complex machine with many different systems working together. All these systems must be properly maintained to ensure the safety of everyone on board.

Aircraft maintenance is key to keeping your private jet in good condition and ensuring that it runs smoothly. This type of maintenance is also essential for maintaining the value of your investment.

These Are Some FAQs About Aircraft Maintenance

  • How Often Should The Aircraft Receive Maintenance?

Private aircraft need regular maintenance to ensure a safe flying experience. There are two different types of maintenance: scheduled and unscheduled. Scheduled maintenance is done regularly, while unscheduled maintenance is done when something unexpected happens.

Aircraft also have a variety of inspections that happen at different times. These inspections usually occur at 12-months intervals, or 200, 400, 600, or 800-hour intervals. It’s common to have a more in-depth inspection the longer the interval is.

The more often an aircraft is flown, the more it needs maintenance inspections. If a component of the aircraft malfunctions, then it needs to be addressed before the next flight.

  • Factors That Influence How Often They Get Maintenance

Private jets have a lot of different parts. Two things have the most significant impact on how often it needs to be maintained: how old the jet is and how many hours it has flown. The manufacturer sets different intervals for maintenance depending on each type of aircraft. 

The more a plane flies, the more often it needs maintenance inspections. Flying hours create wear and tear on the aircraft and engine components, which means those parts need to be checked more regularly.

  • What The Service Is All About

Aircraft maintenance includes all the services necessary to keep an aircraft in good working condition. This includes inspections, repairs, replacements of parts as needed, support, the proper assistance, and more.

Is Owning An Aircraft Still On Your Mind? Contact AirFleet Capital

Now that you’re aware of the basics about giving maintenance to private jets, you can take the next step. At AirFleet Capital, we provide aircraft financing for those interested in being part of the aviation industry. Our jet loans have helped hundreds of people across the U.S get their ideal aircraft, and you can be the next one.

Reach out to us to learn about our application process and rates. We’re proud members of the AOPA, EAA, NBAA, NAFA, and IADA. Our trajectory and good reputation back us up; go ahead and get your wings with us!


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