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The Importance Of Engine Preservation In Aircraft

Aircraft maintenance is essential in keeping your aircraft running smoothly and efficiently. One crucial aspect of aircraft maintenance is engine preservation, which helps you take care of your engine.

Many factors can affect how well your engine will preserve. If you’re interested in knowing all the details about it, keep reading!

Why You Must Preserve Aircraft Engine

Aircraft engines are expensive, and the cost of replacing one can be astronomical. The best way to avoid replacing your engine is to preserve it properly.

Engine preservation is also important because it can extend the life of your engine. A well-preserved engine will last longer and perform better than one that hasn’t been adequately cared for.

If not, your aircraft could experience decreased performance, increased fuel consumption, and shortened engine life. In some cases, improper engine preservation can even lead to engine failure.

3 Types Of Preservation

1) Engine Preservation: If you have an inactive engine, you should look for the Maintenance Manual for your engine type and follow their recommendations for preservation. Also, inactive engines should be stored in a dry and temperature-controlled environment to help minimize condensation.

2) Engine Fuel System Preservation: This process should include the disconnection of fuel lines and purging of the existing fuel. You should replace that fuel with a preservation fluid.

3) Engine Oil System Preservation: Atmospheric moisture can also cause corrosion to many of an engine’s internal and external parts. You should allow all the oil to drain from the engine to ensure the system’s preservation.

Things To Consider Before Owning An Aircraft

Owning an aircraft is a significant investment. Before deciding to purchase an airplane, it’s essential to research and consider all the costs associated with owning and operating a plane.

In addition to the initial purchase price, you will need to factor in fuel, insurance, hangar fees, and maintenance costs. Proper engine preservation is essential to keeping your aircraft running smoothly and avoiding costly repairs down the line.

If you plan to use your aircraft for business travel, it’s essential to factor in the cost of hiring a professional pilot. Flying on an airplane is a complex task that requires specialized training and experience.

Get The Best Aircraft Finance Solutions With AirFleet Capital

Are you interested in getting tailored aviation finance solutions to meet your specific needs? If so, reach out to AirFleet Capital. We provide outstanding aircraft loans to businesses and individuals across the United States.

At AirFleet Capital, we understand the unique financial challenges of owning and operating an airplane. We offer a variety of financing options for both private and commercial aircraft. Contact us today to fly high!


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