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The Top Requirements To Become A Helicopter Pilot

Have you ever envisioned yourself in the cockpit, navigating a helicopter through the clear blue skies? If you have, then you’re in the right place. Becoming a helicopter pilot isn’t a decision you take lightly, even more, if you’re considering helicopter ownership.

This journey demands commitment, determination, and an unwavering passion for aviation. In this blog post, we’ll explore the essential requirements to become a helicopter pilot. Keep reading!

Eligibility Requirements You Must Comply With

As an aspiring helicopter pilot, your journey to the skies starts on solid ground. The first step is to obtain a private pilot license, which demands theoretical knowledge and practical experience. This involves a curriculum covering navigation, meteorology, and aircraft systems.

But it’s not all about hitting the books. You’ll also need to log flight hours, with the exact number varying depending on the training level. You’re looking at approximately 40 to 60 hours of flight time for a private pilot license. This hands-on experience allows you to apply your theoretical knowledge in real-world situations, honing your skills and judgment.

What It Takes To Get A License Depending On Your Goal

Start by defining your goal. Do you want to fly commercially or privately? The requirements for each certification vary, but they all carry the same fundamental components. Below, you’ll learn more about the helicopter certifications you can get:

Private Pilot Helicopter License

The Private Pilot License (PPL) is the first milestone in your aviation journey. As a private pilot, you can fly helicopters for recreation, but you cannot charge for your services. Obtaining a PPL requires the following:

  • At least 40 hours of flight time, including 20 hours with an instructor and 10 hours solo.
  • To complete a full stop at an airport with an operating control tower, 3 take-offs, and 3 landings are required.
  • You must also pass oral, written, and practical examinations to demonstrate your knowledge and skills.

Commercial Pilot Helicopter License

If you dream of turning your passion for flying into a profession, the Commercial Pilot License (CPL) is your ticket. With a CPL, you can get paid for your services as a pilot. This is what you’ll need:

  • A private helicopter license.
  • 150 flight hours, including 100 hours in powered aircraft, 50 of which must be in helicopters.
  • Additionally, fulfill night flight requirements, pilot in command training, and cross-country flight.

Instrument Ratings

Instrument Rating (IR) is an essential qualification for pilots wishing to fly under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). This skill allows you to navigate poor visibility conditions using only your instruments. Acquiring an IR involves the following:

  • Have a Private Helicopter Pilot License or be in training to earn one.
  • Log 50 hours of cross-country flight as pilot in command (including at least 10 hours in helicopters).
  • Half of the additional 40 hours of flight time can be done on a simulator.

Commercial Flight Instructor Rating

Becoming a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) opens up more job opportunities. It also allows you to log more flight hours by teaching others. Earning a CFI rating requires a minimum of 15 hours as a helicopter pilot-in-command and passing different tests. This way, you could demonstrate your ability to instruct others.

Get A Reliable Aircraft By Working With AirFleet Capital In The United States

Helicopter ownership is the next step if you want to become a pilot. You need to work with a professional company that knows how to handle your situation. However, finding the capital to finance your purchase can be challenging. Dealing with research and applying for a pilot license can be overwhelming, but you’ll succeed with the proper support.

At AirFleet Capital, we believe nobody deserves a complicated helicopter financing process. Therefore, it’s our mission to help aviation enthusiasts like you overcome financial obstacles and get the aircraft you need. We’ve been in the industry since 1994 and funded thousands of aircraft nationwide.

Let us help you bring your dream to life without helicopter loan programs, contact us now to learn more!
