Aircraft Financing 1-800-390-4324

How long can you finance a Jet?

Jets became popular rapidly thanks to the media; that’s why many of us grew up wanting to own one. But as we grew older, we understood how effective and sometimes necessary they were. A jet can be a valuable acquisition if you’re an aviation enthusiast, a former pilot, or a corporate that constantly travels, 

But, what’s the easiest way to get one? Some may say “use your savings,”but loans are a fantastic option.

However, you must know a few things before starting a loan process. This blog post will go over the basics of jet financing and how long you can finance a jet. Go ahead and keep reading!

Learn About Jet Financing Here

What Are Jets?

Jets are aircraft that are propelled by jet engines. These engines use the thrust generated by jet propulsion, which consists of the gasses expelled by the engine to push it forward.

How Does Jet Financing Work?

You want a Jet Loans lender that understands your corporate financial requirements and aircraft purchases as a business buyer. They should take the time to understand your company structure to develop a loan package that meets your needs and exceed your expectations.

Jet Insurance

Hull insurance is a popular option for jet owners; it covers any physical damage to the aircraft, including avionics, engines, and other systems. You should also buy liability insurance since it covers legal liability for injury and property damage resulting from the operation of the jet.

AirFleet Capital’s Jet Financing Process

  • Get The Application Package Ready

You can see all the requirements and details here. To provide a fast turnaround and perform at our best, we always suggest our clients submit the application with all the requested details and supporting financial documents complete and on time.

  • Then Submit The Information

Using the information you gathered, you’ll have to send it by mail, email, or fax. You can submit it to AirFleet Capital’s website too.

  • Underwriting Process

Once we’ve received your application, we’ll contact you to notify you that we received it. If there are any concerns or further information is required from you, we’ll get in touch. After the underwriting procedure has been completed, AirFleet will send you a formal letter with the rates and conditions.

How Long You Can Finance A Jet With AirFleet Capital

With AirFleet Capital, you can get a private jet part 91 with a minimum loan amount of $100,000. The downpayment should be 20% of the total cost of the aircraft, and you can finance it for up to 20 years, depending on the aircraft’s age.

You can also get a commercial jet with a minimum loan amount of $100,00 and a downpayment of 30%. The term for financing goes from 10 up to 15 years.

You Can Reach The Clouds With Your Dream Jet With This Loan Program!

If you’re looking for the best aircraft for your corporate purposes, a jet will solve plenty of your needs singlehandedly. With AirFleet Capital, you can get into our jet loan program and get the best rates in the market. We’re aviation enthusiasts first, and we aim to promote general aviation.

Steve Smestad founded AirFleet Capital in 1994; since then, we’ve become a leading aircraft financing company in the United States. You can purchase your dream jet without hassles with our jet financing options. Reach out to us and start our process today!


