How To Buy Your First Used Aircraft Like A Pro

In different stages of our life, we end up being rookies. Whether you just decided to change your career path or it’s your first time trying something new, the feeling of being a beginner is normal and exciting. When it comes to buying your first used aircraft, you may have mixed feelings about it but don’t worry; we are here to guide you through the process.

This post will cover 9 tips to help you buy your first aircraft like a pro. Keep reading and take notes!

9 Tips To Buy Your First Aircraft

1) Analyze Your Needs

A common mistake is buying impulsively without analyzing your needs. Before buying, consider what you need regarding aircraft size and performance level. You have to be realistic to avoid any regrets later on.

2) Financing

The amount that you borrow will have a significant impact on the total cost of your purchase. So, it is crucial to spend some time finding the right source of aircraft financing. Interest rates for aircraft can differ from one place to another. You should try an aircraft loan calculator to have a clearer idea of how much you’ll spend on monthly payments.

3) Overhauls

The words people use to describe an engine’s condition can be confusing. A top overhaul involves fixing parts of the engine outside the crankcase. A major overhaul is when you take the engine completely apart, fix anything broken, and then put it back together again. If an engine has had a top or major overhaul, the logbooks must still show how long it has been used and its maintenance history.

4) Fly Before Buying

It’s not enough to inspect the aircraft; You need to fly it for a long time and observe its performance. A pre-purchase check-ride is necessary to assess the aircraft’s condition accurately.

5) Pre-Purchase Inspection

Get a detailed pre-purchase inspection of the aircraft by a qualified mechanic. The inspector should check the airframe, engine, avionics, electrical system, and other components.

6) Title Information

Check for any title liens on the aircraft. This is a common practice among sellers and buyers, but it’s important to get clear title information before buying.

7) Aircraft Records

If you want to ensure your aircraft complies, it’s essential to have the following paperwork organized and accessible:

  • Airworthiness certificate
  • Engine and airframe logbooks
  • Aircraft equipment list
  • Weight and balance data
  • Placards
  • FAA-approved aircraft flight manual or owner’s handbook.

Any missing documents, pages, or entries from an aircraft logbook could pose a major issue for the buyer and drastically diminish the plane’s worth.

8) Insurance

Get help from someone who knows a lot about aviation insurance when deciding what kind of coverage you need. Check the rates for aircraft hulls before you buy an airplane. Some airplanes can only be insured at very high rates because they are old or have other problems. You don’t want to pay too much or too little for your insurance.

9) Final Inspection

Do a final inspection of the aircraft before signing any paperwork. Look for anything that may have been forgotten or overlooked during the pre-purchase inspection and make sure everything is in order.

Experience A Smooth Financing Process With AirFleet Capital’s Loan Programs

AirFleet Capital provides effective aircraft financing options and an aircraft loan calculator to help you make informed decisions. We serve customers across the country, offering competitive rates. Contact us and learn everything about our processes and services. We’ve helped over 8,600 aviation enthusiasts get their dream aircraft. Join our family today!