Whether you are purchasing your first aircraft, upgrading to a new airplane, refinancing an existing loan, or adding improvements it is our goal to make the Application Process as simple as possible.

How to Apply:

  1. Download and complete our Application. (Click here to begin download)
  2. Prepare the items needed to underwrite your Application.
  3. Forward the completed Application and supporting documents through email, fax, direct mail, or secure upload (see item #4 below).
    • Email: apply@AirFleetCapital.com
    • Secure Fax: 
      703.777.3854 (converts to a secure, electronic file)
    • Overnight/Mail:
      1725 E. Ryan Road, Suite 5, Chandler, AZ 85286
      Phone Number: 623-900-2200
  1. Secure Upload directly to AirFleet (while it is not required, we prefer you “zip” your files together):
  2. Please check out our step-by-step Application Process for more detailed information.