The love of animals and a desire to help those who can’t do it for themselves are great reasons to start an air animal rescue organization. Air rescues provide an incredibly important service, rescuing helpless animals from dismal lives and certain death. If you’re ready to put your energy and resources towards this cause, keep reading.

Here, we’ll go through the steps to start an air animal rescue and show you how to get the best aircraft at great rates.

9 Steps To Start Your Air Animal Rescue Organization

1) Do Your Research

Research is an important first step when starting any business, and this one is no different. Spend some time researching animal rescue organizations and the laws for your local area to make sure you know all the requirements. You should also research aircraft options to determine what type of plane would be best for your organization.

2) Write Your Mission Statement

Once you have researched and decided what type of rescue organization you would like to start, it’s time to write your mission statement. This statement should include the purpose of your organization and what will differentiate it from other animal rescues.

3) Set Your Goals

Now that you have a mission statement, you’ll need to set goals for your organization. Write out what you want to achieve and how you plan to do it. This will help guide your work and focus your efforts in the right direction.

4) Establish Your Board Of Directors

A board of directors is necessary for any non-profit organization. Choose a group of experienced professionals who will help guide your organization’s direction and ensure it remains on track.

5) Set Up An Accounting System

An accounting system is essential for any successful business. You’ll need to set up a system that allows you to keep track of your expenses and income. All of this is essential to create trustworthy financial statements.

6) Define Policies & Standards

Your organization should have policies and standards to ensure the animals are cared for correctly and that your team follows the best practices. Make sure to outline these rules clearly, so everyone knows what’s expected of them.

7) Recruit & Develop People

You’ll need to recruit people who are passionate about your mission and have the skills needed to succeed. Develop their skills so they can carry out your mission effectively, and provide ongoing training.

8) Get An Aircraft Loan

The essential part of your air animal rescue organization is having an aircraft available for your mission. But how can you get one? With aircraft financing solutions, you’ll be able to get the best aircraft at great rates. You can start your air animal rescue organization without the upfront costs by getting an aircraft loan.

Fulfill Your Organization’s Mission With AirFleet Capital’s Aircraft Loans

At AirFleet Capital, we believe that everyone should have access to the resources they need to fulfill their organization’s mission. That’s why we offer many loan programs designed just for aircraft financing. With our aircraft loan calculator, you can get a free estimate within minutes and begin your journey of rescuing helpless animals from dismal lives and certain death.

Contact AirFleet Capital today to learn more about our loan programs and find the best aircraft loan option for your organization. We’re here to help you start your mission of saving animals!