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The ABCs Of Helicopter Maintenance You Must Know

Helicopters are a standard option in the aviation industry. They’re often used in personal and commercial settings and provide a unique perspective of the world for those lucky enough to be on board. However, as any helicopter enthusiast knows, keeping a helicopter in good condition is no easy feat.

Helicopters require frequent maintenance and inspection to ensure they are safe and running correctly. If you’re interested in purchasing or leasing a helicopter, it’s essential to understand the basics of helicopter maintenance. Here are a few tips to get you started; keep reading!

Different Helicopter Maintenance Inspections

You should visually verify several aircraft components as part of your pre and post-flight routine to ensure it’s safe to fly. However, the helicopter must be inspected by qualified mechanics if you want to boost its safety. These inspections will change based on the stages of the aircraft’s life to ensure the structure and its parts are airworthy and in good shape.

Helicopter Daily Inspection

Before it takes off for the day, a pilot or technician will give the helicopter a visual inspection. This inspection can be finished before the take-off or after the last landing of the day to get it ready for the next trip. This guarantees its safety for the next flight.

Helicopter Hourly Inspection

Every hour a helicopter is in the air adds up to a maintenance inspection. Engineers can examine various helicopter components to verify wear and integrity at intervals of 25, 50, 100, 300, and 500 hours. The manufacturer develops the timetable for hourly maintenance.

Each examination gets more thorough the more hours a helicopter spends flying. As the hours increase, different helicopter elements are removed and given a complete check rather than merely a visual one during the inspections.

Helicopter Calendar Inspections

Most calendar inspections on a helicopter occur under an annual inspection. The helicopter is thoroughly inspected regardless of how many hours it has flown. The manufacturer may specify both a calendar maintenance program and an hourly maintenance schedule.

Similar to the hourly maintenance plan, several components of the helicopter’s equipment are inspected or calibrated during these calendar inspections based on their due dates.

Helicopter Airworthiness Directive Inspections

A helicopter manufacturer may issue an Airworthiness Directive if it has concerns about a specific component (AD). The aircraft must follow this regulation under the conditions outlined by the manufacturer; a visual examination and a signature in the aircraft logbook are needed to verify the compliance.

How To Get A Helicopter With Aircraft Financing

Aircraft financing is a great option to get into the helicopter industry. It’s essential to partner with a company that understands the aviation industry and can help you get the best financing options for your needs.

There are 2 stages in which you may consider an aircraft loan: 

1) You already have a helicopter, but its useful life is already finished

2) You’re passionate about helicopters and are considering buying one. 

At either stage, helicopter loans will allow you to have the aircraft you need effectively and quickly.


AirFleet Capital Gives You The Resources To Fly On Your Own

Helicopter inspection and maintenance are a must. If you’re looking into getting a new aircraft, AirFleet Capital can help. We’re the leading aircraft financing company in the US. We have helped aviation enthusiasts get the aircraft they need for years. We understand the industry and can help you get the best financing options. Contact us today to learn more about our helicopter loans!



white helicopter in mid air