Phil Jossi
Phil’s history in banking and finance led him to a successful 40-year banking career, and alongside this, he has a deep passion for aviation.
He received his initial pilot certification in 1982 and followed with an instrument rating, commercial certificate, multi-engine rating, and Flight Instructor certificates, and in 2008 was named the flight instructor of the year in Nebraska (by the FAA Lincoln FSDO). During the period, he was Chief Operating Officer at Executive Aircraft Corporation on Mid-Continent Airport, Wichita, Kansas, a full service FBO and Jet sales organization. In June 2011, Phil created and opened a new FBO, Kearney Aviation Center at Kearney Regional Airport (KEAR), with a focus on flight training in support of the Aviation Management program at the University of Nebraska, Kearney. This business has developed into a successful full-service FBO and continues to operate under Phil’s guidance. In addition to the training fleet, Phil regularly flies a Bonanza A36, and for serious fun, an American Champion Citabria. Phil’s wife of 43 years holds a private pilot certificate, as well.
Phil enjoys giving back to the industry with his many aviation affiliations. Currently, Phil is a member of AOPA, NAFI, and EAA, and he has flown over 100 Young Eagles. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the American Bonanza Society; and he has been a Lead Representative for the FAA Safety program since 2004 (presenter for FAA’s “FAAST” Team). He brings his exceptional aviation and banking background to AirFleet Capital to support longer-term business development efforts, client outreach, and internal credit development. His enthusiasm, finance background, and love of aviation are great compliments to AirFleet Capital.
Favorite Airplane: Any airplane I have permission to fly!
Best Aviation Moment: The day the controller called, “50M reduce your speed”.
Words I live by: It is not your aptitude but your attitude that determines your altitude.
Where I got my start: From exceptional mentors in my early years; the United States Army, Military Police (1967-1970). I learned discipline, commitment, organization, teamwork, and many other qualities that have served me well in the business world.
Outside the office: Did I mention flying? Faith first, family, then being a bit of a gear head; corvettes, Harleys, and anything you can drive. Golf and fishing are out there, too.