Steve Smestad

Steve founded AirFleet Capital, Inc. in 1994. Born and raised in “Big Sky Country” he received his MBA in Finance from the University of Montana. Steve has been involved in aviation and finance his entire career and has held numerous positions with aircraft manufacturers including sales, contracts, customer support and finance.

Steve served as President, CEO and Board Director for Jetstream Aircraft, Inc., a subsidiary of British Aerospace (now BAE Systems).  In this capacity he was involved in the launch and delivery of new aircraft to the market. In general aviation, Steve is an active member of several associations, including NBAA, MMOPA and ABS, as well as a Lifetime Member of AOPA and EAA.

An avid flying enthusiast with a passion for general aviation, Steve is a single and multi-engine instrument-rated pilot who began flying with his Dad in 1958. Having a lifelong passion for aviation, being a business owner and flying a corporate airplane gives Steve the unique ability to put himself into the shoes of our customers and help AirFleet anticipate your needs. Steve and his wife Kathy raised their two sons in Virginia and now reside in Arizona.

Favorite Airplane: I love them all but it’s usually the one that I’m flying!
Best Aviation Moment: 1st solo, when I realized I could fly.
Words I live by: Always do the right thing – life is too short to do anything else.
Where I got my start: Paper route in Montana – up at 4:30AM every morning, 40 degrees below zero, blowing snow and up-hill both ways!
Outside of the office: Family, friends, flying and anything aviation.